Viewing Analytics Data

Once you have created and configured your Adobe Analytics Report Suite, created a Cloud Configuration in Stackchat, and connected your desired bot(s) to the configuration, you will be able to see your data flowing into Adobe Analytics in the correct Traffic and Conversion Variables.

Open Adobe Analytics and click Reports in the navigation.

Here, you will be able to see Custom Conversion as seen below.

Custom Traffic in Adobe Analytics

*All 24 Custom Traffic slots used by Stackchat are present.*

And you can see Custom Conversion, as well.

Custom Traffic in Adobe Analytics

*All 5 Custom Conversion slots used by Stackchat are present.*

To quickly validate that Adobe Analytics is receiving your data, it is easiest to check the Real-Time Report.

Custom Traffic in Adobe Analytics

*Real-Time data flows to here.*

Now simply interact with your bot in the Preview. Data should appear in Adobe Analytics 15-30 seconds after input.