List View

In list view, you can quickly view four critical pieces information about your flows.

Bot List View

*A simple four flow bot in list view.*

Flow Name: This can be changed inside the element.

Entry Point: This determines which flow the user will be directed to upon initially engaging your bot. You can select one flow from the Entry dropdown. The selected flow will then display a green checkmark in the Entry Point column.

Entry Point Dialogue in List View

*The entry point dialogue and entry point indictator icon.*

AI Configured: Flows for which natural language processing has been connected, this column will show a yellow lightning bolt icon.

Flow Element Count: Elements are the building block of flows. This shows how many of those elements there are in a flow. This can be used as a rough measure of flow complexity.

The settings icon opens a modal that gives access to rename the flow, change the entry point to the selected flow, configure AI or delete the flow, much like in graph view.

List View Flow options

*Deleting is permanent, but you will be warned.*

Flow elements can be viewed by clicking the View Elements button in the modal or simply clicking on the flow name.

The list view shows the element type as an icon and lists navigation targets for each element. Clicking the element name will open the modal showing all element options.

List View Flow options

*Options here vary depending on element type.*